

约翰·沃纳 约翰·沃纳 生物学 教授 电子邮件: 约翰 电话: 414.443.8734



  • B.A.他在路德学院学习生物和化学
  • Ph.D.,亚利桑那州立大学-分子和细胞生物学
  • 普林斯顿大学博士后研究


虽然承认这可能对我信誉最好的网投平台排名的未来不利, I grew up in Minnesota rooting for all of the Minnesota sports teams including the Vikings. Despite moving all around the country for my education and living in Wisconsin for over nine years, 我的忠诚没有改变. 鉴于对这些团队的坚定支持, I believe my allegiances for these teams is genetic and despite my thorough training in genetics and molecular biology, I have not found the specific gene that causes this or a way to change it. 因此, I will accept your sympathy for this affliction and any talented players for my teams.


  • 生物202 -生物学原理2
  • BIO 341 -微生物学
  • BIO 354 -免疫学
  • BIO 360 -遗传学
  • 生物433 -分子生物学
  • 生物学401 -研究策略1
  • BIO 402 -研究策略II
  • BIO 403 -研究策略III
  • CHE 351 -生物化学II


Bacteria and viruses are everywhere and perform a variety of tasks that can be both beneficial and harmful to humans. 它们是制造某些食品所必需的, 帮助人体消化, 它们可以被用于工业目的. 最常见的, 然而, bacteria and viruses are known for their ability to cause harmful infections in the human body. With the discovery and utilization of antibiotics and vaccines, many thought bacterial and viral infections would eventually become a thing of the past. 不幸的是, bacteria are becoming resistant to these antibiotics and new or mutated viruses can pop up with little warning. 更复杂的是, new antibiotics are becoming increasingly difficult to find and develop and vaccine development takes time. 因此, it is growing increasingly important to understand the bacterial mechanisms of antibiotic resistance and to find alternate methods of controlling these organisms.

My current reSearch focuses on a variety of ways to inhibit bacteria and viruses. The TolC-AcrAB antibiotic efflux pump is a mechanism used by many bacteria to remove antibiotics from their cells that would normal kill them. 通过理解这个机制是如何工作的, 科学家可以设计出抑制它的方法, thereby making bacteria more susceptible to current antibiotics. I have also studied viruses that specifically target bacteria called bacteriophages. It is possible that that these viruses may be used for antibacterial purposes in the future. 另外, my students and I have been involved in the invention of an ozone sterilization device that is capable of inactivating viruses and bacteria in a quick, 自包含的, 易于使用的设备.

Students in my lab have investigated some non-traditional ways to inhibit bacteria. Silver nanoparticles are microscopic pieces of silver that have antibiotic properties. 已经进行了研究来了解这是如何发生的. We have also examined the antibacterial effects of specific essential oils. Several essential oils are capable of inhibiting bacterial growth so characterizing these abilities better could be useful in the future.

While these are my current areas of reSearch, I have several other reSearch interests as well. I am always happy to have students work with me on these projects so feel free to contact me for more information.



October 2020 - “生物学 and Computer Programming: a tale of scale” White Box Lunch series at 威斯康辛州路德 College, 密尔沃基WI. (邀请演讲者)

2019年11月-“铅传感器-一种用于 E. 杆菌 “水中铅的检测”由WLC iGEM团队提出. 2019年iGEM大会,马萨诸塞州波士顿. (铜牌)

2018年10月-“Ec-Sense - A system for E. 杆菌 detection 由WLC iGEM团队提出. 2018年iGEM大会,波士顿,马萨诸塞州. (铜牌)

August 2018 - “Comparative functional analysis of TolC from several bacterial species” Molecular Genetics of Bacteria and Phages Conference, 麦迪逊, WI.

May 2018 - “Antibiotic-resistance: Where did it come from and how do we fix it?” WLC Undergraduate ReSearch Symposium (invited speaker), 密尔沃基WI.

2017年11月-“噬菌体计-一种新的检测方法 E. 杆菌 由WLC iGEM团队提出. 2017年iGEM大会,波士顿,马萨诸塞州. (铜牌)

2017年5月-“水培:在任何地方种植干净的食物?!密尔沃基地下科学协会. 密尔沃基WI

October 2016 - “TolC under the sea: coral rehabilitation via phage therapy” Presented by the WLC iGEM team. 2016年iGEM大会,波士顿,马萨诸塞州. (银牌)

August 2015 - “Rapid identification of 杆菌phage membrane receptors using a gene deletion library” Molecular Genetics of Bacteria and Phages Conference, 麦迪逊, WI.

September 2015 - “Project tolsee” – Presented by the WLC iGEM team, 2015 iGEM Jamboree, Boston, MA. (金牌)

May 2015 - “Effects of osmotic stress on the cytoskeletal protein MreB in Escherichia 杆菌” – Presented by Steven Van Alstine. American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

October 2014 - “Sugar rush” – Presented by the WLC iGEM team. 2014年iGEM大会,波士顿,马萨诸塞州. (铜牌)

September 2014 – “Discovery through genetics: New screens to answer old questions” – Invited speaker. 洛约拉大学芝加哥,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州.


维尔纳,J.,史,H.刘欣,J.黄,K., Gitai, Z, Klein, E. (2020) AimB is a small protein regulator of cell size and MreB assembly. Biophys J. 3495(20)30373-8.

Goley E.染料,N.沃纳,J.,吉太,Z. 夏皮罗. 2010. Imaging-based identification of a critical regulator of FtsZ protofilament curvature in Caulobacter. 摩尔细胞. 39(6):975-87.

Ingerson-Mahar, M.布里格尔,A.沃纳,J.詹森,G. 和吉太,Z. 2010. The metabolic enzyme CTP synthase forms cytoskeletal filaments. 细胞生物学. 12(8): 739-46.

维尔纳,J. 和吉太,Z. 2010. 细菌蛋白定位的高通量筛选. 方法Enzymol. 471:185-204.

维尔纳,J.陈,E.古伯曼,J.齐皮利,A., Irgon, J. 和吉太,Z. 2009. Quantitative genome-scale analysis of protein localization in an asymmetric bacterium. PNAS. 106(19): 7858-63.

Briegel,.,丁,H., Li, Z.沃纳,J.,吉太,Z.迪亚斯,D.詹森,R。. 詹森,G。. 2008. Location and architecture of the Caulobacter crescentus chemoreceptor array. 摩尔Microbiol. 69(1): 30-41.

佩里克.多米尼,N.爪,K.李,A.菲格勒,H.Redon, R.沃纳,J.佛罗里达州维拉尼亚市.山,J。.米斯拉,R.卡特,n.n.李,C. 斯通,A. 2007 Diet and the evolution of human amylase gene copy number variation. Nat麝猫. 39(10): 1256-60.

Charlson E.沃纳,J. 米斯拉,R. 2006. Differential effects of yfgL mutation on Escherichia 杆菌 outer membrane proteins and lipopolysaccharide. J Bacteriol. 188(20): 7186-94.

Malinverni J.沃纳,J.Kim, S.斯克拉,J.卡恩,D.米斯拉,R. 和西尔哈维,T. 2006. YfiO stabilizes the YaeT complex and is essential for outer membrane protein assembly in Escherichia 杆菌. 摩尔Microbiol. 61(1): 151-64.

维尔纳,J.米斯拉,R. 2005. YaeT (Omp85) affects the assembly of lipid-dependent and lipid-independent outer membrane proteins of Escherichia 杆菌. 摩尔Microbiol. 57(5): 1450-9.

维尔纳,J.奥古斯都,A.米斯拉,R. 2003. TolC组装, a structurally unique and multifunctional outer membrane protein of Escherichia 杆菌 K-12. J Bacteriol. 185(22): 6540-7.


  • 美国微生物学会会员